Friday, 5 December 2014

DW_DS_Oracle FAQ's

DWH concepts:

Types of dimentional modelling.
Why do we use star schema.
When do we use snowflake schema.
Types of SCD dimentions.
Difference between SCD types 2 and 3.
Give the example of start schema.
What are facts and dimentions.
What are fact less facts.
What are types of facts.


How we find out duplicate in a table.
How top find out top 5 salaried employees
What is the differnce between rowid and row number
What do we use group by and order by clause.
Whay are corelated subqueries.
Difference between subqueries and corelated subqueries.
How do we remove duplicate from the table.
What are the performance tunning techniques in pracle.
Differnce between types of join.
When do we use self join.
What are stored procedures.
When do we use Cursor and triggers.
What are types of views.


What are the differnent features in version 7.5 and 8v.
What is RCP.And when do we go for this approach.
What are the types of partitioning methods and how are they different in their mechanism.
When do we go for Hash partitioning.
What all are the differnt sorting methods and what is the use of sorting.
What all techniques we shouls use to handle large amounyt of data.

Expalin the functionality of following stages:
Change capture stage
SCD stage
transformer stage
Modify stage
Remove duplicate stage.
Sort stage
wait for file activity stage
User variable activity stage
All database stages
Routine activity stage.

How many types of triggers sequence has.
How do you remove duplicates in datatsage
How do you do null handelling in datstage
What are the resuable componennst in Datastage
Differences between Join and Merge stage
Difference between join and lookup stage.
What is the default partitioning in Lookup stage
Why do we use datasets. Advantages of datasets?
What are the performance tuning activities in Datatsage.
How to run the sequential file in parallel
How do we enable multiple instance ina job.
How do we abort the job after processing certain rows.
When do we prefer transformer over the filter stage.

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