Friday 5 December 2014

Unix FAQs with Ans

UNIX Related Que/Ans

1. How can you determine the space left in a file system?
Level: Low
Expected answer: There are several commands to do this: du, df, or bdf

2. How can you determine the number of SQLNET users logged in to the UNIX system?
Level: Intermediate
Expected answer: SQLNET users will show up with a process unique name that begins with oracle<SID>, if you do a ps -ef|grep oracle<SID>|wc -l you can get a count of the number of users.

3. What command is used to type files to the screen?
Level: Low
Expected answer: cat, more, pg

4. What command is used to remove a file?
Level: Low
Expected answer: rm

5. Can you remove an open file under UNIX?
Level: Low
Expected answer: yes

6. How do you create a decision tree in a shell script?
Level: intermediate
Expected answer: depending on shell, usually a case-esac or an if-endif or fi structure

7. What is the purpose of the grep command?
Level: Low
Expected answer: grep is a string search command that parses the specified string from the specified file or files

8. The system has a program that always includes the word nocomp in its name, how can you determine the number of processes that are using this program?
Level: intermediate
Expected answer: ps -ef|grep *nocomp*|wc -l

9. What is an inode?
Level: Intermediate
Expected answer: an inode is a file status indicator. It is stored in both disk and memory and tracts file status. There is one inode for each file on the system.

10. The system administrator tells you that the system hasn’t been rebooted in 6 months, should he be proud of this?
Level: High
Expected answer: Maybe. Some UNIX systems don’t clean up well after themselves. Inode problems and dead user processes can accumulate causing possible performance and corruption problems. Most UNIX systems should have a scheduled periodic reboot so file systems can be checked and cleaned and dead or zombie processes cleared out.

11. What is redirection and how is it used?
Level: Intermediate
Expected answer: redirection is the process by which input or output to or from a process is redirected to another process. This can be done using the pipe symbol “|”, the greater than symbol “>“ or the “tee” command. This is one of the strengths of UNIX allowing the output from one command to be redirected directly into the input of another command.

12. How can you find dead processes?
Level: Intermediate
Expected answer: ps -ef|grep zombie -- or -- who -d  depending on the system.

13. How can you find all the processes on your system?
Level: Low
Expected answer: Use the ps command

14. How can you find your id on a system?
Level: Low
Expected answer: Use the “who am i”  command.

15. What is the finger command?
Level: Low
Expected answer: The finger command uses data in the passwd file to give information on system users.

16. What is the easiest method to create a file on UNIX?
Level: Low
Expected answer: Use the touch command

17. What does >> do?
Level: Intermediate
Expected answer: The “>>“ redirection symbol appends the output from the command specified into the file specified. The file must already have been created.

18. If you aren’t sure what command does a particular UNIX function what is the best way to determine the command?
Expected answer: The UNIX man -k <value> command will search the man pages for the value specified. Review the results from the command to find the command of interest.


UNIX Que/Ans With Example

1.check 6th Columns without Null value from any file
=> nawk -F"|" '($6!="")' FileName > test_24_ok

2.check 6th Columns with Null value from any file
=> nawk -F"|" '($6=="")' FileName > test_24

3.Finding distinct row's from any file
=> awk -F"|" '{print $32 }' File_Name.txt | sort -u

4.For creatin direcory from another location
=> mkdir -p /u05/PRODDSS/data3/srcfiles/mcd

Send mail through Unix
ð  (cat PST_Analysis ; cat INSDPWiseCnt_Diff| uuencode INSDPWiseCnt_Diff )| mailx -r -s "PST Analysis"
ð  /usr/bin/mailx -s "Mount Point status" -r EmergencyMail < /U03/voice/scripts/diskutilization.txt

5.For going 37072948 no rows in a file then
==> awk NR==37072948 S_VLD_COMPLETE_DATA_2008-10-23.dat

6.For File spliting in Unix
ð  split -37072945 S_VLD_COMPLETE_DATA_2008-10-23.dat
      (automatically file splitted into total rows/given row no)

7.For deleting Particular record from a large file===> where first column No is 9999705895
=> cat  merge_R_VOI_27_2008-10-27.dat|grep -v 9999705895 > test.txt

8. Sagrigate Substrings => awk -f"|" '{print substr($1,1,4)"-"substr($1,5,2)}' test.txt |more

9.Display 1,2,3,18,19 columns from that file
=>  awk -F"," '{print $1,$2,$3,$18,$19 }' File_name | head -20

10.Cut a string from a file and display without spacing
=> awk 'BEGIN {OFS="|"}{print $1,$2,$3,substr($12,1,4)"-"substr($12,5,2)}' file_name
=>awk -F"n" '{ print substr($1,1,4) }' file_name

11 . Display particular column($1 for 1st column) from given file
=>awk -F"," '{print $1}' FileName

12 .Command For search a file in unix
=> find /u04/ -name File_name -print

13.To print Number of Columns
=> awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}{print NF}' File_Name | head -3

14.Print columns which is less or greater than 500
=> nawk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{if(NF > 500 || NF < 500){print $0}}' File_Name > test
Devendra1.dat File is having onlyNF=7 Record's
           => nawk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{if(NF==7){print $0}}' Devendra.dat >  Devendra1.dat
Testing a file with first colum having "200903" ==>
            =>awk -F"|" '{if($1=="200903")}{print $0}' S_04-01.dat > S_04-01_TEST.dat

15.For serch and replace in
VI --> %s/old/new/g  ==>%s/20081215/20081115/g

16.In Fix Width File Search or cut
=> awk -F"n" '{ print substr($1,124,8)}' File name  
(==> $1 means whole string, 124th position upto + 8th position display)
17.For Updating Crontab using VI Editor
-->in Command line type
EDITOR=vi then Enter  then -> export EDITOR
--> Then Type Crontab –e

18.For concatinate two files same columns in another file
            =>  paste file1 file2 > file3

19.For changing all albhabets in Capital letter from any file
            => tr -s '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < File_Name

20. ping to server in unix
=> /usr/sbin/ping

21.Take count from any file having '2009-02' records
=>  awk -F"," '{print $5}' R_SMS_CDR_2009-04-02.dat| grep '2009-02' | wc -l any substring from a file
=> nawk 'BEGIN{FS=","}{if(substr($3,1,7)=="2009-03"){print $0}}' test.txt

23.for copying whole directories
=> tar -cvf ScriptBKP.tar /u06/srcfiles/scriptbackup/*
             => tar -xvf ScriptBKP.tar

24.Insert '2' in all record's of end of every row in file DEV_TEST.TXT 
=>sed 's/$/|2/' DEV_TEST.TXT > DEV.TXT

25. For Executing Command Continuosly or looping
=> while true ; do smat -d | wc -l ; sleep 2 ; echo "==================="; done ;
=>while true ; do ls -lrt | wc -l ; sleep 2 ; echo "====================="; done ;

26. Display time also in unix prompt
=> PS1="\u-\t$"

27.Print Particular (2nd) line from any file
=>sed -n '2,2p;2q' R_2009-07-17_03_03.dat
             =>sed -n '5,5p;5q' R_2009-08-28_00_00.dat | awk -F"," '{print $51}'

28.Convert '2009-03-31' in 20090331
=> MDT=`echo $RDT|cut -c1-4,6-7,9-10` ; export MDT

29. Current Month Calculation ==>
MON1=`echo $RecordDate|cut -c6-7`
Year=`echo $RecordDate|cut -c1-4`
cal $MON1 $Year|awk NR==1|cut -c4-6 > CurrMonth
MON=`tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < CurrMonth`

30. Connect any server through script and ftp the files 
=>echo "Connecting"
     ftp -n <<!
     quote user devendra1
     quote pass devendraPwd
     cd /app_inrich/OUTPUT_INTERFACE/call_hist/dump/
     lcd /u04/PisPath/pisfiles
     mget DSS_INRich_subscriber_info$RD.txt

31. Output Of Date Command in unix
=> operator-17:28:11$ date
            => Thu Nov 19 17:35:46 IST 2009
32. Output Of Cal Command in unix
=>operator-17:35:47$ cal
              November 2009
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
operator-17:42:12$ls -ltr *NOV*2009-11-17*dat
-rw-rw-r--   1 operator adhoc    554 Nov 17 18:00 R_VOI_2009-11-17_14_14.dat

operator-17:42:19$ls -ltr *NOV*2009-11-17*dat |awk '{print $1,"|",$2,"|",$3,"VMA"}'
=>-rw-rw-r-- | 1 | operator VMA
            => ls -ltr *JAN*2009-02-27*dat|awk '{print $1,"|",$2,"|",$3,"VMA"}'

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